We are committed to offering our customers the best service and highest quality goods possible. We guarantee the quality of all goods and produce you order from us. You must inspect the goods immediately upon delivery and in the event that you are dissatisfied in any way please feel free to let us know promptly in writing via the feedback form in the Contact Us section of the website or email Returns@makkahmarket.net

Complaints in respect of service will be reviewed by our customer services department and we promise to respond to you within 48 hours when possible.

Complaints in respect of the quality of the goods you receive will be forwarded to our packaging department for review and we promise to respond to you with 48 hours when possible.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept the return of any goods or produce delivered to our customers. If the goods ordered do not meet reasonable satisfaction, we may, in our absolute discretion, send you a Makkah Market voucher equal to the value of the items that have fallen short of your expectations.